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Graduate Advice
5 min read

Starting University As A ‘Fresher’

When you start university you will be known as a ‘fresher’ which is short for ‘freshman’ and simply means that you are in your first year at university. Many universities hold special celebrations for first year students to help you settle in and become accustomed to your totally new environment and way of living and learning.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 21, 2023

When you start university you will be known as a ‘fresher’ which is short for ‘freshman’ and simply means that you are in your first year at university. Many universities hold special celebrations for first year students to help you settle in and become accustomed to your totally new environment and way of living and learning. You may be invited to attend Freshers Week which will be designed to introduce you to other students and meet members of staff as well as joining in activities and having fun in the process.

You will probably have various tours of the university buildings as most universities can appear vast at first and it is fairly easy to get lost! Most universities own several buildings so it's important to familiarise yourself mainly with the ones where you will spend most of your time learning, studying and socialising.

You will meet the lecturers and tutors who will give you an idea of what will be expected from you during the course and a brief overview of the syllabus contents.

You will also be made aware of the many services that are available for students welfare that you may need to access such as first aid and mental health as well as various support groups. There will be an abundance of clubs and groups that you will be offered to join and it's a great way to feel a part of the university community and again, make new friends who share your interests and passions.

There will also be advice and guidance on more serious issues such as banking, managing your money and staying safe.

You will find yourself receiving so many invites and attending so many events that it would be wise to invest in a calendar so you can remind yourself of where you are going, when and who with!. This way you are far less likely to miss something that you were looking forward to or needed to attend.

There are often quite a range of free gifts given away to students during this week and you may end up with a variety of brochures and leaflets, pens, mugs, notepads and even snacks. It is wise to keep them all as everything that you will be offered are items that will invariably come in handy at some point in the next year.

In addition to the excitement of the activities, freebies and getting to know both your fellow students and your surroundings, you’ll probably be offered the chance to explore your new town or city. Take up every opportunity that you can as this will be ‘home’ for several years so join any guided tours and familiarise yourself with the area.

The first week will be an exciting time and you will find that your days will be so full that you may find yourself exhausted at the end of it. However, this is just the start of your life at university. There are still many experiences to be had, things to learn and friends to be made.

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