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Navigating Through The Dilemma Of Two Interviews

If you are looking for a new job, there is nothing more exciting than being offered the opportunity to attend an interview. Of course, multiple interview offers invariably gives you a much better chance of success in securing a job but what should you do if you have been offered two interviews for different jobs at the same time? Before you do anything - don’t panic!
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
September 2, 2023

If you are looking for a new job, there is nothing more exciting than being offered the opportunity to attend an interview. Of course, multiple interview offers invariably gives you a much better chance of success in securing a job but what should you do if you have been offered two interviews for different jobs at the same time? Before you do anything - don’t panic!

After the initial thrill of knowing that you have been selected to attend for two seperate job interviews and then the initial alarm that these two interviews are to be on the same day and the same time, you will need to act swiftly and with professionalism.

Assess each job interview and the opportunity that it may bring. Consider carefully factors such as the company’s reputation, your potential job role, any prospects you may have and if all of this aligns with your long term goals. This assessment will help you to prioritise what is important and to make an informed decision if needed.

Although you will feel nervous doing so, the best course of action would be to contact both employers and explain in clear and simple terms that there has been an overlap in scheduling for that particular day. If the first employer refuses to reschedule the interview or is unable to, thank them for their time, keep the initial interview time and then contact the second employer.

Stress that you are grateful to be considered for an interview and politely ask if there is a possibility that the date and time can be moved - either brought forward or moved to a later

date. You are under no obligation to disclose that you have another interview booked, but it is perfectly acceptable to state that you have a prior commitment which is why you would like the interview rescheduled if at all possible.

Make sure that you have your diary at hand so you can suggest alternative days and dates that work for you, while taking into account the potential employers availability also. Try to be as flexible as you can so you can accept the first new proposed date offered to you.

If both employers are unable to reschedule then you will be faced with a tough decision. This is when you can refer back to your initial assessments and information that you gathered earlier about each company. It will not be an easy choice, choosing one interview over another but you are making an informed choice.

Regardless of any outcomes, express your gratitude to the employer by sending a polite yet short email to the employer for considering you for the interview. This reinforces your professionalism and leaves a positive impression which may prove beneficial for future interviews. It will also put you in the right mindset of professionalism, informed decision making  and personal growth. Never allow anyone else to decide for you or to alter your decisions based on their own  opinions or experiences. This is your choice and you are responsible for making your own decisions.

By prioritising opportunities and contacting prospective employers, it showcases your ability to handle challenging situations. Remain composed and make the informed decision that aligns with what you want to achieve as this will set the foundation for future interactions.

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