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5 min read

May 2022 - Who's Hiring?

The world seems to be going back to the way it once was and that means that some normality is creeping into the scene when it comes to looking for work. Though the adaptation of working from home has been incredible, there are still a lot of roles that need filling that requires people to be present, like the police, engineering, and care homes.
Written by
Emily Topping
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

The world seems to be going back to the way it once was and that means that some normality is creeping into the scene when it comes to looking for work. Though the adaptation of working from home has been incredible, there are still a lot of roles that need filling that requires people to be present, like the police, engineering, and care homes.

So, now is the time to take that step towards the career that you want as the opportunities are vast.


Summer is just around the corner, so that means there is currently a spike in the businesses looking for hospitality members to cover the very busy shifts that will happen during the summer months. There is also a chance to develop within the hospitality industry if you are the sort of person that wants to continuously grow.

Hospitality can get a lot of bad rep because of the way it functions, drawing in a lot of younger people that want a job over the summer, but there are routes for growth if that is what you are seeking. These jobs can range from food like Subway to London restaurants.

Customer Service

The movement of people buying a lot of products on the internet is not new, but this does mean that there has been an increase in companies needing customer service reps in this very particular niche. Customer service roles are not just limited to dealing with customer complaints, there is a big drive at the moment to invest more into the entire customer journey from start to finish.

These roles are similar to being a project manager, but for customers. Also, for this industry there is not usually a lot of experience that is needed to get a role, it is more about being willing to learn about the environment around you and having the drive to want to learn more. Customer service roles range from mobile phone companies like Vodaphone to insurance and banking businesses.

NHS Jobs

Opportunities are rising every day when it comes to the NHS industry, from needing people to continue to give COVID-19 injections to the public, there are also a lot of roles within the NHS that need filling.

Whereas a lot of people get the idea that you need to have some sort of medical degree or experience to work for the NHS, that isn't always the case. Some roles are more admin and patient-based.

Of course, if someone was looking for a role like a paramedic or physio, then experience and relevant degrees would be needed.

Are you looking to secure a new job in Liverpool? Why not attend the Liverpool Careers Fair taking place at Anfield Stadium on Thursday 4th August. The UK Careers Fair is the leading provider of recruitment events, career fairs, and job fairs in the united kingdom, Check out our upcoming careers fair and find the dream job you are aiming for!

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