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Careers Advice
5 min read

Is It Possible To Learn Soft Skills For Your Career?

Absolutely yes is the answer. While some people may have certain qualities that are evident in the workplace, others may just need some time to be able to develop skills. Everyone has the capacity to enhance and refine skills through focusing on what it is you want to achieve, deliberate effort, motivation and practice.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 16, 2023

Absolutely yes is the answer. While some people may have certain qualities that are evident in the workplace, others may just need some time to be able to develop skills. Everyone has the capacity to enhance and refine skills through focusing on what it is you want to achieve, deliberate effort, motivation and practice.

Firstly you must become fully self aware and start to identify both your strengths and your weaknesses. This will give you the unbiased opportunity to reflect on what you may need improvement and work on. Seeking honest feedback from colleagues and mentors will also prove invaluable in establishing what areas need assessing.

There is an abundance of resources available that can help you to focus on developing specific soft skills such as communication, empathy, time management and leadership. These can be accessed online as well as countless books, articles and workshops being widely available.

The more you put your soft skills to use, the quicker you will become confident so practice active listening, communications and collaborations with all your interactions. Practice as much as possible in as many different scenarios as you can!

Regularly ask your colleagues, mentors and associates for honest feedback because constructive criticism can provide valuable and trusted insights on where you require improvement and how this may be utilised within a professional setting.

Observe any professional role models such as managers and supervisors and observe their behaviours and ways of communicating with others and they see how you may incorporate similar practices into your own interactions. Then apply what you feel you have learned which could be for example, delegating tasks to colleagues, presentations or public speaking.

It can be particularly beneficial in order to be able to effectively practice empathy, to try to see situations from other people's perspectives by understanding their feelings and emotions. All individuals are unique and everyone's thought processes, experiences, needs  and expectations will differ.

Continuously assess your own progress, in addition to receiving feedback from others. This will help you evaluate how you are beginning to incorporate your newly acquired knowledge into practice and will give you the motivation to keep going.

Developing soft skills does take time and effort so remember to be patient with yourself. Be consistent in your focus on growth and improvement, adapting your approach when needed and over time your efforts will be leading on to enhanced interpersonal relationships and a much more rewarding career. As the new professional within you emerges, this will undoubtedly lead to recognition and success.

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