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CV Advice
5 min read

How to Write a CV for a New Career

You may have built up an impressive CV with a long history in a specific type of industry, and you may be feeling that you're ready to move into something else. However, you don't want to start over per se, and you want to make sure that you'll be able to find a job in this new industry you're trying to shift. So what do you do with your current experiences when you're trying to transition into a new industry?
Written by
Alan Writer
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

You may have built up an impressive CV with a long history in a specific type of industry, and you may be feeling that you're ready to move into something else.

However, you don't want to start over per se, and you want to make sure that you'll be able to find a job in this new industry you're trying to shift. So what do you do with your current experiences when you're trying to transition into a new industry?

Look at what the job adverts are looking for

This is a common tactic you'll use with any CV redesign or update, but it's now more critical than ever. You need to do a lot of research into the industry that you want to shift into, or even if it's a completely new career and start converting your existing CV to be relevant to the new career and/or industry, you're trying to get into.

For example, if you have an extensive banking career and are looking to jump into the Fintech arena, you may think this is a simple industry switch, but you'll quickly realize that Fintech was meant to be a catalyst of change with traditional banking. That may mean you may appear at a disadvantage when trying to shift in some cases.

So what can you do in this scenario? It's about pivoting your CV to highlight how you yourself were an agent of change in your career, what projects or parts of your role were about bringing a new style of banking, or how your role was related to the tech portion of the banking industry that you could easily transfer into a Fintech company.

Understand there may be different titles

Another area you want to look at is that you may have had one title, but your new industry or career may utilize a different title that is more aligned with your skill set. Remember, it's all about transitioning to your new industry or career choice, which may mean looking at how your roles and responsibilities may have shifted into a different position altogether.

You might have to take a step back

Depending on your experience level, you may have to take a career step back in some cases, especially when you're looking to get into a completely different career. You have experience, of course, but you may not have the right amount of experience for those roles.

That doesn't mean you're required to start from square one, but it does mean you may have to work a bit more to gain the necessary experience. No worries, because once you gain that experience, you'll be able to slingshot ahead with your extensive and diverse overall experience. Just be prepared if that may be the case, and understand your ultimate goal when it comes to this career change.

Switching out careers may be a terrifying notion, but it also may be the best decision you'll ever make professionally, as it will allow you to work on what you want versus what you need to.

Having the right CV is just the first step of many that you'll take to leave unemployment forever. At the UK Careers Fair, we provide job applicants to find openings and opportunities to find their new corporate home. Signup with us to get updates on the latest recruitment events and career fairs in the UK!

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