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CV Advice
5 min read

How to Write a CV for a Customer Service Job: Expert Tips

Knowing how to communicate your skills and experience on paper is crucial. Learn how to write a cv for a customer service job with our practical tips.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

As a customer service agent, your CV is the first thing that will make you stand out in the application process. It must demonstrate that you have the necessary training, experience, or knowledge to be considered for the position you are applying to. A customer service CV is not an impossible task. You just need some guidance on how to best write one!

But, don't worry! In this article, we'll go over how to write a CV for a customer service job.

Customer Service CV Format

When formatting your CV, it is important to use a layout that is easy to read and understand.

The most common format is the "Reverse-chronological" layout, which highlights your work experience in reverse order. This allows the hiring manager to see your latest achievements easily.

However, if you have gaps in your employment history, a functional CV may be ideal for you. A functional CV focuses on your skills and abilities rather than your work history.

What to Include in Your Customer Service CV

When writing a CV for a customer service job, it is important to include any qualifications and skills listed in the job description.

In addition, you should include the following:

1. A CV objective targeting the position

Writing an objective that targets the hiring manager's needs is crucial.

A customer service CV objective is a short paragraph that shows why you're qualified for the position.


"Customer support expert with 3 years of experience in a fast-paced setting looking to join a company that values teamwork. Capable of handling challenging customer demands while offering top quality service in every engagement."

2. Increase your experience's perceived value

When writing your experience bullet points, include numbers to give a better sense of your accomplishments.

For instance, if you say "managed 20 customer accounts," that sounds good, but it's not as concrete as saying "managed 20 customer accounts, resulting in an increase of 10% in revenue."

Similarly, if you state "provided support to 100 customers", that's vague. However, if you say "provided support to 100 customers daily, resolving an average of 80% of issues", then the reader can get a much better idea of your skills and abilities.

3. Be specific regarding your customer service skills

In order to land a job in customer service, it is important to be specific with the skills you possess.

Don't just claim to have "great customer service skills".

Instead, be more specific and list everything you can do, such as:

Communication - You must be able to communicate with customers effectively and politely.

Problem-solving - Many customers will come to you with problems that need solving. You must be able to think on your feet and find a solution quickly.

Interpersonal skills - It is important to be able to engage with customers and build positive relationships.

Software tools - There are specific software tools that customer service reps use in order to help customers better. Being familiar with these tools will make your CV stand out even more.

4. Make use of action verbs

Action verbs help to showcase your skills and abilities. Some good examples of action verbs for customer service CVs are:

●     Trained new employees on company policies and procedures.

●     Managed a team of 20 customer service representatives.

●     Provided excellent customer service to more than 500 customers daily.


Customer service jobs are always in demand. This makes it easy for you to find a job, but it also means that you have to make yourself stand out from the crowd with a good CV.

But remember: although there are some common rules on how to write a CV for a customer service job, you should also aim to make your personality stand out!

Looking for a Career in Customer Service? Why not attend one of our upcoming events. The UK Careers Fair host events around the United Kingdom, helping you find the perfect career. Check out our Full 2022/23 Schedule now!

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