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How to Overcome Interview Anxiety and Land The Job

Learn how to overcome interview anxiety and land the job you want. You’ll be able to answer questions confidently, impress your interviewer and get that dream job.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Being terrified and anxious about interviews can really affect many people and the prospect of landing their dream job. However, with some research and preparation, things can get a little easier.

In this article, you will learn how to overcome interview anxiety: what can help you prepare for interviews as well as tips on how to keep up during them.

How To Prepare For The Interview To Avoid Anxiety

Interview anxiety can lead to you feeling nervous, uncomfortable and potentially even sick on the day of your interview.

Follow these tips to help prepare for any interviews ahead of time.

1. Practice as much as you can

When it comes to interviews, practice makes perfect and can help you reduce your interview anxiety. Familiarise yourself with the company's mission and vision. Knowing what the company stands for will help you ask the right questions, which, in turn, will provide you with the confidence you need.

Practising questions and answers in front of a mirror can also make a huge difference.

2. Visualise your success

When you're feeling anxious about an upcoming interview, it can be helpful to visualise a successful outcome. Picture yourself answering questions confidently and with ease. See yourself shaking the interviewer's hand and leaving with a smile on your face.

By picturing yourself succeeding, you'll enter the interview room with more confidence.

3. Eat healthily and exercise

Eating something light before the interview will help you avoid a dip in blood sugar, which can make you feel irritable or faint. Moreover, consider going for a run or walk several hours before the interview to release negative energy. This will also help calm your mind and make you more alert during the interview.

Avoid caffeine and other triggers throughout the day; solely drinking water will be a much better option.

4. Lower your stress levels

One great way to lower your stress levels is by listening to music. Not only does it help you focus, but it can also be calming. You could also meet up with a friend before the interview and spend a couple of hours laughing and relaxing with them.

Laughter releases endorphins, which will help reduce stress and make you feel happier.

5. Do some breathing exercises

When you're feeling anxious, your heart rate goes up and your breathing becomes shallow. This can lead to a build-up of carbon dioxide in your body, which makes you feel even more anxious.

One way to combat this is to take deep breaths.

When you breathe in, focus on drawing the air all the way down into your lungs. Hold it for a few seconds, then let it out slowly. Repeat this until you start to feel calmer.

How To Stay Calm On Your Interview Day

Now that you are done preparing for the interview, there are a few things you can do to stay calm on your interview day.

1. Stay hydrated

It's really important to stay hydrated on your interview day. Bring a bottle of water, and do not be afraid to take a few sips during the interview to calm your nerves.

2. Take your CV with you

When you go for an interview, it is always a good idea to take your CV with you. A CV can help you keep track of what you need to say during the interview.

3. Breath normally

The heart rate of someone who is under stress increases and can lead to a panic attack. When you're anxious, it's hard to focus on anything else. By concentrating on your breathing, you'll be able to clear your mind and stay calm throughout the interview.

4. Break the ice with small talk

If the idea of starting off an interview with serious talk terrifies you, make sure you break the ice with appropriate small talk or even jokes. You could, for example, compliment the office space and ask if it has been recently refurbished.

5. Do not speak fast

Interview nerves can get the best of us and cause us to speak quickly. However, this is often seen as a negative trait.

When your nerves are ramping up, don't answer questions too quickly. If a question is unclear or if you need time to think about it, take a deep breath before answering.

In this way, you'll come across as more composed and in control - both qualities that interviewers love to see.


Don’t let nerves get the better of you. Learn how to overcome interview anxiety, practise, and go get the job you deserve!

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