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How to Network Effectively and Land a Job

Networking is a powerful tool that can help land your next job. There are, however, some points to consider that will help improve your networking skills and increase your chances of landing a job.
Written by
Mizio de Sousa
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Networking is a powerful tool that can help land your next job. There are, however, some points to consider that will help improve your networking skills and increase your chances of landing a job.

Join a professional network

Whichever field you're in, you should aim to join a professional association and attend networking events. This is a fantastic way to meet professionals that do the job you want and pick their brains on various topics. It’s also an excellent way for you to shine and meet potential employers. Here are some points to consider:

  • Ensure that you remember the names of professionals you encounter. Employers will look positively if you remember them.
  • You should make an effort to look interested and active. If your gaze is constantly wandering around the room instead of focusing on what's being said, you'll look uninterested and, more importantly, not serious.
  • Ask questions and ensure that you aren't just talking about yourself.
  • Make an effort to introduce yourself to people who work for companies you are
  • interested in. Have a clear goal in mind and stick to it.
  • Get work experience
  • This step primarily applies to fresh graduates. To get a window into the industry you want to work in, try to get some work experience or volunteer at a company. Meeting professionals first-hand will be a huge source of information and will allow you to learn things that aren't covered by your studies.
  • Make an effort to introduce yourself to people who work for companies you are interested in. Have a clear goal in mind and stick to it.

Use Linkedin

Having a strong Linkedin profile is paramount as more and more companies start advertising jobs on the platform. Knowing how to network effectively will help you land more interviews and put you in a better position to land a job. Here are some points you should consider:

  • Be active and involved in your industry. Share relevant industry news and stories, comment on posts and engage with professionals.
  • Contact recruiters directly when you meet the job requirements. Recruiters don't like it when applicants apply for jobs that they aren't qualified for. It's a waste of time and doesn't look favourably on you.
  • Be personal in your messages to the recruiter instead of sending a copy to hundreds.

Go to a Careers Fair

A careers fair is your chance to meet professionals from various industries, including those you want to work for. To be effective, it's essential to attend these fairs with an open mind and be respectful to everyone that makes an effort to speak to you. Making a good first impression is vital to be remembered.

Before attending a fair, if possible, research the companies that will be attending. Workout which company stalls you want to visit and go prepared with questions. This will show great initiative and that you're serious about the company. It also gives you an opportunity to find out if the company is right for you.

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