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How to Meditate at your Desk: A Guide for Beginners

We’ve all heard of the benefits of meditation. But what are the best ways to meditate at your desk? Here are some tips on how to get started.
Written by
Cristina Pucci
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Meditation has been a health practice for thousands of years, and it is one that many people across cultures have taken up in their own lives.

Perhaps some of us may be too busy with our 9-to-5 jobs or studying hard for exams. However, there can still be time set aside every day just before lunchtime when we could sit down and meditate for just a few minutes.

You don’t need to have a dedicated room to be able to meditate. In fact, you can even do it while sitting at your desk.

So, let’s look at how to meditate at your desk.

What Are The Benefits of Meditation?

There are many benefits to meditation, both mental and physical. These benefits include decreased anxiety and stress, increased focus and attention span, improved cognitive functioning, compassion and responsiveness, and much more.

In addition to the personal benefits that come with meditation, there are also workplace benefits to consider. For example, meditation can help employees feel more calm and relaxed, which leads to less burnout.

How to Meditate at Your Desk

When it comes to meditating, many people think that they have to go somewhere special in order to do it- like a park, the beach, or a quiet room in your house. However, meditating at your desk is totally feasible.

Here are 2 meditation techniques you can do at your desk:

Body Scan Meditation
  1. Close your eyes and put your focus on your feet
  2. Breath in and out while pretending that all you can feel is your feet. Do so for 1 minute
  3. Begin to move your focus away from your feet and onto your calves, knees, thighs, belly, chest, and so on, all the way up to your forehead
  4. Each time you move up, pretend that you can only feel that specific body part, doing so for 1 minute
Calming Visualisation
  1. Think of a place that makes you feel safe
  2. Relax and begin to take some deep breaths
  3. Now visualise that safe place right in front of you and continue to breathe in and out throughout the visualisation

No matter how experienced you are in meditation, you must remember that it's important not to force anything.

If you find your mind wandering, simply bring your attention back to your breath or mantra without judging yourself.

Over time, you'll likely find that meditating at work becomes easier and more natural. And who knows? You might even begin looking forward to those few minutes of peace and quiet!

How to Focus During Meditation

There is no one answer to this question as each person's meditation practice will be different. However, some tips to focus on during meditation include:

- Finding a comfortable position

- Taking deep breaths

- Focusing on a mantra or a certain word or sound

- Visualising a peaceful scene


Meditating can be an excellent tool for increasing productivity and focusing on your work. Knowing how to meditate at your desk will enable you to do so regardless of the distractions surrounding you!

Meditation is all about spending time in the present moment, so it's important to learn how to keep distractions away from you during your practice.

Try to meditate first thing in the morning to help start your day off right, and take a few minutes out of your lunch break to clear your mind and relax

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