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How to Make a Good Impression with Your Interviewer

The interview process allows you to demonstrate your skills and experience to show you are a good fit for the job. But when you have similar knowledge and skills with the rest of the candidates, how can you make yourself stand out?
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

The interview process allows you to demonstrate your skills and experience to show you are a good fit for the job. But when you have similar knowledge and skills with the rest of the candidates, how can you make yourself stand out?

The interview is your best chance at leaving a good impression and building a connection with your interviewer. This article will help you achieve a good, lasting impression and effectively connect with your interviewer to increase your odds of getting the job. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Be Confident and Calm

Confidence can get you to a lot of places. It’s also essential for proving that you are a good fit for the position you’re applying to. When you’re naturally confident, you’ll also be able to relax and remain calm throughout the interview.

In turn, you’ll be able to answer questions clearly and thoroughly. Moreover, staying calm and confident in the interview shows the interviewer that they can be confident in you.

If you’re not used to speaking with new people, you can practice your interview skills ahead of time. Find someone you trust and are comfortable with, and let them do a pretend interview with you. That can help you get rid of your nervousness and build your self-confidence.

  1. Show Interest in the Interviewer

It has been repeatedly proven that if you want to build rapport with someone, you need to show you’re interested in them. For interviewers, this includes what they can do for you and your interest in them as persons.

Take the time to show the interviewer your interest and make them feel as important as the interview is. The little details, such as remembering the interviewer’s name, asking them about their day or their role in the company, helps show you are interested in more than just the position you’re applying for.

  1. Be Aware of Your Body Language

Worry not only about your verbal communication but also your body language. The latter tells your interviewer things about you that you are not verbally communicating. For instance, it shows how you feel about the position, the company and the interview itself.

Be sure to maintain a good posture and a friendly demeanour throughout the interview process. When the interviewer discusses something about the company and the role, you may lean in closer to show you’re listening and interested.

Moreover, it’s important to smile and make eye contact when you can. It’s also essential that you are friendly with anyone you meet in the building and not just the interviewer, such as the secretary or the receptionist.


Being interviewed for a job can be nerve-wracking, but the best way to accurately present yourself is by preparing for it. You need to practice being confident, calm, interested and friendly to drown out your nervousness. But you also need to be careful about seeming rehearsed. The best way to leave a good impression is by being naturally confident about the position.

Are you looking for a new career opportunity? The UK Careers Fair hosts recruitment events, job fairs and career fairs throughout the United Kingdom. We allow candidates of all backgrounds, experience and education levels to speak with employers, all in one place.

We are holding a Yorks Career Fair on Feb 17, 2022, at 10:00 AM with the venue at Hilton York, 1 Tower St, York YO1 9WD. We look forward to seeing you there!

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