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How to Give the Best Elevator Pitch During a Job Interview

If you’ve been in the job market for a while, you've certainly come across the “Tell me about yourself..” question in a job interview. It's one of the most commonly used at the beginning of almost every interview, regardless of the sector or kind of job you're applying for. Therefore, in the absence of a compelling "elevator pitch" for your job interview, you may make a negative first impression on the interviewer.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

If you’ve been in the job market for a while, you've certainly come across the “Tell me about yourself..” question in a job interview. It's one of the most commonly used at the beginning of almost every interview, regardless of the sector or kind of job you're applying for. Giving your best response to this complex topic is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, in the absence of a compelling "elevator pitch" for your job interview, you may make a negative first impression on the interviewer.

An elevator pitch for a job interview is a short 30- to 60-second presentation or speech that grabs the interviewer's attention and causes them to become genuinely interested in you. It is regarded as an introductory statement that outlines who you are, what you do, and why they should employ you. A compelling and memorable pitch should be short and to the point. The term "elevator speech" refers to the notion that the speech should be given in a short amount of time, such as 30 to 60 seconds, during an elevator trip.

The following are the most important factors to consider while crafting a 30-60 second statement that will make you stand out:

  • Craft a Clear Statement That Reflects Your Goal

Be specific about the field and the kind of employment you're seeking while you're putting up your elevator pitch for a job interview. Concentrate your presentation on the requirements of your prospective employer. Make your pitch specific to your prospective employer, not to yourself. You aren’t the center of attention—your ability to fill the role in their company is. Demonstrate your unique abilities and the precise ways in which you might assist your prospective employer.

  • Draw the Interviewer’s Attention with Your First Statement

A job interview elevator pitch is intended to pique the interviewer's attention and pique their interest in knowing more about you. Provide information that will compel action and use benefit-focused language. Make your pitch clear, concise, and to the point. When you're crafting your pitch, remove any information that isn't necessary. That isn't a broad discussion, either. Maintain your clarity and concentration.

  • Ensure You Can Deliver Your Pitch Well

Write out your pitch and read it aloud to yourself. Make sure that your elevator pitch is accessible and easy to understand. Avoid using any facial expressions that make you feel uncomfortable. Elevator pitches do not have to be a stressful experience. Create your job interview elevator pitch with a commercial mindset in mind, and make it as short and straightforward as possible while tailoring it specifically to each prospective company.

Avoid memorizing your pitch or interview responses word for word. It will come off as written and rehearsed, which is not a favorable impression. Instead, concentrate on emphasizing the essential points you wish to make. However, if you have three important points to hit and you go through a few elevator pitch practice runs and hit all three of them, you'll be prepared to deliver your presentation.

  • Deliver a Solid First Impression

People want to know that they are speaking with a decent, honest, and dependable someone whom they can trust and maybe even like in some instances. Your CV will not convey this information to them.

Having positive body language and being confident and enthusiastic about what you're saying can help you open up more quickly. It would help if you projected the impression that you are confident in your ability to pique their attention. You cannot afford to be reluctant in this situation, so rehearse and pay attention to your body language. A smile seems confident and maintains a straight posture when standing or sitting. In addition to not utilizing the total capacity of your brain, slouching over makes you seem untrustworthy, which you do not want to emphasize.

Final Thoughts

The essential thing to remember while doing an elevator pitch during a job interview is to remain calm. When you're feeling worried or anxious, you take quick, shallow breaths in the upper chest area of your body. Make use of your stomach and take long, deep breaths to help you relax. In the same manner, practice your pitch, figure out the best way to deliver it, and try to relax while you're waiting for a job interview or a meeting to take place.

If you are looking for a place to excel with your job interview elevator pitch and get a job, UK Careers Fair will provide you the best venues. Check out our upcoming careers fair and find the dream job you are aiming for!

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