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CV Advice
5 min read

How To Facilitate A Successful CV

Your CV is an important piece of equipment in your search for a job and most companies will ask for one to be submitted as part of your job application. The CV highlights to a potential employer, your skills, qualifications and any experience that you may have.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
July 3, 2023

Your CV is an important piece of equipment in your search for a job and most companies will ask for one to be submitted as part of your job application. The CV highlights to a potential employer, your skills, qualifications and any experience that you may have. So, to give yourself a good chance of a successful interview and to stand out from competition, it is essential that you make the best CV that you possibly can, especially as employers can receive many applications for the same job.

Your CV should be tailored for each job that you apply for by aligning your skills and experience with the specifics sought by an employer. Read the job description well and then highlight what you can offer the employer that directly relates to the job. This tailored approach helps demonstrate suitability for the vacant position.

An example of this is if you were applying for a role of a head chef in a busy restaurant. Your CV should highlight the skills and experience relevant to the job such as any catering qualifications you have, perhaps previous experience in working in customer services roles which shows that you are capable of working under pressure with potentially difficult clients and when you (hypothetically) were requested to act as manager in a previous role for a month due to staff sickness. All of these demonstrate different attributes that go towards showing how very well suited you are to the vacant position. Of course, mention other information but ensure you especially highlight the relevant ones that will get you noticed. As well as the obvious job specific skills, transferable skills such as communication, adaptability and leadership skills should be listed as these are just as important and give an oversight into your personality.

In your CV, keep all wording simple, concise and straight to the point in a clean and organised format with appropriate bullet points and clear headings. Details should be easily located and no irrelevant information included which would make the page appear overcrowded and not allow the more relevant information to be readily noticed.

A good CV starts with a paragraph or two which summarises in a professional way, an overview of skills, experience and goals. Work experience should include job titles, dates, descriptions of responsibilities and any achievements or accomplishments.

The same criteria  is relevant to previous education. Include details of qualifications obtained, schools and colleges which you attended and don't forget to include the dates. Recent information should always be listed first, whether it is job that you have worked at, qualifications gained or schools attended

When completed, check, check and check again! -  which will eliminate the chance of errors. Read the CV out loud to yourself or get someone else to read it to you to ensure that there have been no mistakes and that you are happy with the finished product. Once you are happy with it, you are ready to submit it to a prospective employer!

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