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How To Answer ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ In An Interview

A question that a lot of people stumble on, now when this is first presented to you, please do not reel off your entire resume to them again. Remember, you’ve already done that part, they’ve seen your CV and that is probably why you are sitting in front of them right now.
Written by
Emily Topping
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

A question that a lot of people stumble on, now when this is first presented to you, please do not reel off your entire resume to them again. Remember, you’ve already done that part, they’ve seen your CV and that is probably why you are sitting in front of them right now.

The beauty of an interview is that you can allow your charism and charm to flourish, not in an arrogant way but in a way to show them that you were the right choice, and their judgement was correct when they said ‘yes, lets interview this person.’

But like anything, we sometimes get asked something we don’t really know how to respond, this question has been one of the most common that we face, so we wanted to help you out and give you the right answer when the interviewer says ‘tell me about yourself’

The reason this question is asked is to delve deeper into you, and why you would be the best fit for the job above everyone else that is going for it. So, tell them something that is not on your resume, and not the typical ‘I’m a very hardworking and dedicated individual’ that is an easy and simple response that a lot of people are going to be using, so don’t you use it too.

Try tackling it from a different angle, this is a conversation starter. So, you can express that upon looking into the ethics of the company you feel as though you coincide to what they are looking for, that such a powerful company needs someone who looks through the mist and can see what they are really looking for. Go into an achievement that you have done recently that is directly linked to the role that you are going for.

Remember this, they want to know why ‘you’ are the best person for this job, even though they have asked you to simply just speak about yourself, you are speaking about yourself regarding that role. They don’t want to hear about your extra activities and that you may like a cheeky drink at the weekend. Be professional and approachable.

Also, be confident in what you are saying, sometimes it doesn’t matter so much what you say but how you say it, is your body confident? Are you sitting tall and keeping eye contact with them? Watch how they react and move to words you are saying.

So, tell me about yourself. How do you begin?

All you need to do is answer the following, what are the primary selling points of this job? Maybe you’ve worked in the industry for 5 years and love the cultural aspect of it and why are you interested in this role? You could say that you are ready for a new challenge as directly link it to why this position would fill that.

You have about 2 minutes to get across what you want, so don’t waffle, and get straight to the point.

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