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CV Advice
5 min read

How Data Can Be Used To Evaluate How Effective Your CV Is

Today's job market can prove to be extremely competitive, so it is imperative that your CV is the very best that it can be which can give you a much better chance of getting the job that you are after. But one major dilemma is how can you really be certain that your CV is at its maximum effectiveness? Well, the answer often lies in using data driven methods to evaluate and then to improve.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
November 20, 2023

Today's job market can prove to be extremely competitive, so it is imperative that your CV is the very best that it can be which can give you a much better chance of getting the job that you are after. But one major dilemma is how can you really be certain that your CV is at its maximum effectiveness? Well, the answer often lies in using data driven methods to evaluate and then to improve.

Data analytics have come a long way in transforming the way in which companies can make decisions but job seekers can arm themselves with this knowledge to enhance your CV.

By collecting and analysing relevant data, you can gain useful insights into what works and what does not work!

Many companies now use ATS or applicant tracking system software to enable CV’s to be screened long before any real person looks at them.The systems can routinely scan for keywords and qualifications so by studying job vacancies and utilising technological tools, you can optimise your CV to match and align with the keywords and specific criteria which is relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, Jobscan is a tool regularly used to help job seekers to optimise CV’s and profiles in readiness for applicant tracking systems.

Digital tools and professional platforms like LinkedIncan offer valuable insights into how well your CV is performing because you are able to track the performance metrics. This includes the number of profile views, connection requests and application responses and can provide an accurate view of the effectiveness of your CV.

As in marketing, A/B testing your CV can be insightful. This is also known as split testing and is a method of comparing different versions of something. You can create multiple versions of your CV but ensuring that they all have a slight variation then track which generates a higher number of responses. This approach can really determine and identify exactly what content is the most compelling for your CV.

Never underestimate the power of feedback. Use this as a form of continuous learning and do not be afraid to ask interviewers for feedback as their input can help pinpoint areas which require improvement or what works well and could be elaborated on.

When the data is collected, you can then work to improve your CV, by utilising the above suggestions. Tailor the CV, optimise keywords, highlight achievements,streamline the format and then use feedback to refine your professional summary.

Statistics show that 90% of employers use ATS to manage applications but only 25% of these make it to the stage of being read and evaluated by a human! This shows the importance of continuous improvement based on data driven insights that can increase your chances of standing out in the competitive job market by a significant percentage.

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