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Feeling Overwhelmed At Work?

At some point in life, everything gets a little bit too much to handle and the stresses and strains of work can certainly add to the problems if not already the root cause.
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
June 22, 2023

At some point in life, everything gets a little bit too much to handle and the stresses and strains of work can certainly add to the problems if not already the root cause.

According to data, around half of all working people have experienced feeling overwhelmed because of work related issues, which is a considerably large percentage of the working population.

There are many factors that can build up over time. The cost of living crisis, family problems, health worries and financial concerns combined with a heavy workload can be a ticking time bomb for tension and contribute to a general feeling of overwhelm that can be difficult to shake off.

In the workplace - whether this is home or office based - most people devote a large chunk of each working day in which you must focus on tasks, where you are expected to be dynamic, productive and forward thinking at all times. Perhaps you are responsible for other colleagues' output as well as your own and unfortunately before long, it can feel all consuming and you could feel you are at a breaking point and work begins to feel unbearable and concentration lapses.

Even the most resilient of characters need help every now and again. Someone to offload to can help enormously in beginning to regain a sense of balance and to enable coping strategies to be implemented.

If you are feeling overwhelmed there are several people that are available to talk to and talking always helps. The phrase ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ is very true as once problems are divulged, there is often a sense of relief because someone has actually listened without judgement or prejudice. This could be another trusted colleague or perhaps one of your managers. In addition, your HR department will have specialised information and advice that specifically deal with stress related matters and often have access to specially trained counsellors.

Implement boundaries with how you spend your time and your work responsibilities and give yourself regular breaks which are needed to reset and unwind. Only do what is necessary and accept it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed at times. By becoming proactive and seeking ways to manage your stress, you will soon begin to feel proficient to handle any challenges in a healthy way.

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