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5 min read

Can I Work And Still Claim Benefits?

The government estimates that there are at least 19 billion pounds of unclaimed benefits. At a time when many people are facing extra financial hardships with the cost of living crisis in general, it is wise to see what you and your family may be entitled to. Regular benefits can make a big difference, so get applying as soon as possible. You may be surprised - in a good way!
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
July 23, 2023

The simple answer to this is yes. Millions of people in the UK are entitled to receive benefits even though they may be working and a surprising number are not even aware that they may be entitled to financial help. The government estimates that there are at least 19 billion pounds of unclaimed benefits. At a time when many people are facing extra financial hardships with the cost of living crisis in general, it is wise to see what you and your family may be entitled to. Regular benefits can make a big difference, so get applying as soon as possible. You may be surprised - in a good way!

To find out if you are entitled to benefits whilst you are working, you could use a specialised benefit calculator which navigates you through its simple process in as little as ten minutes, then gives you the results. Benefits awards will be different for each individual and their personal circumstances such as the hours you work, your salary, the number of children you have, whether or not you have to pay for childcare, your marital status and if you pay rent or own your own home.

Tax credits, which most people have heard about, are currently being replaced by a benefit called universal credit, which some people have already been receiving for a while. If a new claim is made or your circumstances change, you will be claiming universal credit, as the government intends to gradually phase out tax credits. You can get additional benefits if you have children living at home and they are in full time education and if your child is sick or disabled -  all which may be included in your entitlements at varying rates. Housing benefit, which is help towards your rent will also be included as well as your personal allowance. On top of this, council tax reduction may be available.

New claimants will automatically be put on to universal credit which is made up of several different allowances which are calculated depending on each individual circumstances.

If you are sick or disabled and it affects you doing everyday tasks or affects your mobility then you may be entitled to a wide range of disability related support. This can be paid to you even if you are working, claiming other benefits or have savings in your bank.

The DWP or Department for Work and pensions can offer guidance on claiming benefits if you are working or you can enquire at The Citizens Advice Bureau, the Job Centre, your local council offices or by using one of the several online benefit calculators as previously mentioned.

Claiming certain work related benefits are designed to provide financial assistance and support to individuals and families who are working but have a limited income.

The benefits system exists in the UK to provide this support so it is essential to prioritise your well being and to take advantage of the resources that can help you during challenging times.

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