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CV Advice
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Applying for a Job in the UK - Here’s How to Prepare Your CV

A CV plays a vital role in the application process for a new job. If you want to get that all-important interview to showcase your skills and experience, then it is vital that you present yourself in the best possible light.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

When applying for a job in the UK, one of the first things that are likely to happen is that you’ll be asked to provide a copy of your CV or resume. Whatever you call it, it’s important you know how to write one, what information to include and how to present it if you want to impress your prospective employer.

A CV plays a vital role in the application process for a new job. If you want to get that all-important interview to showcase your skills and experience, then it is vital that you present yourself in the best possible light.

How Job Applications in the UK Work

Generally, UK companies will ask for a short cover letter, along with your application form or a CV. If the job listing instructions state that you need to fill out an application form, don’t send your CV, but don’t disregard it. Instead, keep it and attach copies of educational certificates or references with your initial application if requested.

UK employers will provide applicants with a job description that outlines what the job is all about. In some cases, this may include a chart that shows how the role relates to the rest of the company.

It’s also possible you get sent a spec, which sets out the skills and experience necessary in the ideal candidate. Use this information when putting together your CV.

How to Prepare Your CV

Your CV must be a maximum of two pages of A4 paper. Your name should be at the top of the first page as a heading.

When putting a CV together, make sure all the information about your qualifications and work experience are in reverse chronological order. Therefore, the most recent should go first. You also need to be specific about your skills and experience.

Include personal details, such as name, date of birth, address, e-mail, and phone number. For your employment history, add your employer’s name, the type of company and address, the position and dates and a list of your key responsibilities.

The next section must talk about your education. Add details of your university, dates, courses taken and qualifications with grade. You should also mention prized or special work relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Detail your skills, may it be computer skills, level of knowledge related to the job, etc. Moreover, you can add your interests and achievements, but only if they’re relevant to the job you’re applying for.

How to Write Your Cover Letter

As mentioned, UK applications often require a cover letter. Don’t worry; this is only a short one. Your cover letter should be formal and concise. State the job you’re applying for, where you saw the advert and have a brief explanation of why you’re interested in the position. You can also tell them a specific reason you’re attracted to the company. Explain how your skills and experience make you the right person for the job.

Nail That Job Application Process in the UK

The UK's job market is complex and ever-evolving; posting vacancies, screening applicants and providing feedback can be a long and messy process. It has become increasingly difficult for both employers and job seekers to navigate the current recruitment landscape. No worries; use this information to create a CV that works!

Use this guide when you apply for jobs in the UK today. The UK Careers Fair is the leading provider of recruitment events, job fairs and career fairs. Find a job at one of our events!

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