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All You Need to Know About A Career in Hospitality

Here’s all you need to know about pursuing a career in hospitality.
Written by
Olivia Batten
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Hospitality is an industry that everybody encounters. It includes a broad range of fields with a focus on customer service and creating great experiences for clients. Positions usually reside in hotels, food and drink service, catering, tourism and event planning but there are many pathways you can take.

Starting your Hospitality career

Although hospitality welcomes people from all employment backgrounds and those with a wide range of skills, having relevant qualifications and experience is always beneficial especially if you would like to work in a particular area.

Formal qualifications in the following areas can help you start a career in hospitality:

● A degree in hospitality

● Business

● Travel and tourism

● Event planning

● Qualifications relating to food preparation, hygiene and cooking

● Customer service training

Hospitality also offers many apprenticeships so you can learn on the job and gain qualifications along the way.

Which pathways can you take?

Working in hospitality is a varied career and no two days will be the same. In the UK, hospitality is a sector that has continued to grow with new opportunities always popping up. In general, most hospitality jobs involve working face to face with the general public but if you prefer working behind the scenes, there are suitable roles in this area too.

Common pathways in hospitality include:

● Front desk or concierge

● Chef or kitchen staff

● Events planner

● Wedding coordinator

● Hotel management

● Tourism officer

Since hospitality is such a diverse industry, these are just a few of the pathways that you can take.

Why work in hospitality?

There’s a reason why some many people choose to work in hospitality and it’s because the environment is so interesting. If you enjoy fast-paced environments and working with the general public a career in hospitality can help you to find your passion and thrive.

Top reasons to work in hospitality include:

You can take on early responsibility

As hospitality often requires new employees to hit the ground running, there are plenty of opportunities to take on responsibility early. If you show initiative and work hard, you can quickly work up the ladder and secure a higher position.

It’s a creative industry

From cooking to finding new ways of making your guests happy, hospitality can be a very creative industry. There are always opportunities for you to experiment and put your stamp on things no matter what role you are in.

You get to meet and work with a diverse range of people

Hospitality environments are often one of the most diverse sectors not only in terms of employees but the people you meet every day too. The vibrant atmosphere can make your job even more enjoyable compared to a regular 9-5.

Hospitality salary expectations

As with all industries, hospitality salary expectations will depend on the role, the amount of responsibility you have and where you are located. Here are some of the average salaries for the most common roles:

● Head chef - £30,000

● Wedding planner - £22,000

● Hotel receptionist - £18,000

● Hotel manager - £29,000

Are you interested in a career in hospitality? Attend the UK Careers Fair and meet with employers from across the country, explore your options and make your goals a reality!

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