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A Guide to Professional Coaching Careers

Professional coaching has become increasingly popular over the last ten years with an incredible amount of people and companies being able to give very good services to their clients across pretty much every industry in the world.
Written by
Emily Topping
Guest Post
Published on
September 27, 2022

Professional coaching has become increasingly popular over the last ten years with an incredible amount of people and companies being able to give very good services to their clients across pretty much every industry in the world.

If you were to search for anything that you found interesting, like mindset and productivity, then we can ensure you that there are thousands of coaches out there ready and waiting to help you become the best in that industry.

The thing with professional coaching that is a little different from other sectors is you don't 'need' any qualifications, but it does help, there are a few sectors that are more based on life experience and knowledge than actual academia. But this will be shown to you later in this article.

Some of the qualifications that you may need:

Public speaking

Written word / English



IT skills


Some of these may speak for themselves but we will take a few to delve a little deeper into it to get a better understanding of why we are choosing these different qualifications to have.

Public speaking

A lot of professional coaching requires the person or people to be able to speak to people, if you are a coach, you are there to teach people so if you cannot speak to them then you are not getting off to the best start. There are a lot of places that you can go to get public speaking training and it is a lot of fun. But the main takeaway from it is to make the individual more comfortable in having conversations with a variety of people, whether that is a large group of people or just a singular person.


Professional coaching businesses have changed in recent years, where a lot of eager young entrepreneurs have grown up in a very different world and are ready to help people step up with them, but they lack business skills. You could be the best coach in the fitness industry but if you cannot conduct business to a high level then you are never going to be able to make a profitable business at the end of it. A basic understanding of business will also allow you to give another benefit to your service to anyone or company that you work with.

What sort of jobs can you get in the professional coaching industry?

Well, this is where it gets interesting because as stated before, you can be a professional coach in anything that you feel as though you are an expert in, but there are a few fields that are doing better and more profitable than others.

Mindset / Psychology

A lot of people are beginning to realise that the way we think can dictate the way that we negotiate the world, and that is not just in business. There has been an explosion in the market for this sort of coaching, so if you have experience in their field and want to give back then this may be something to get into. The difference with professional coaching is that though getting the skills that have been listed above is great, you may need to supplement those with whatever industry you want to get into, like psychology in this case.

Business Coaching

Some people get into business and don't know what they are doing, it isn't a bad thing, but it allows people who have built businesses themselves to be able to coach them. There is a lot that comes with business and people who have already been there and done that, they have seen the peaks and valleys and know how to negotiate them to success.

Professional coaching is vast, but all it takes is being an expert in the field and being an influence for other people who need your help.

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