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6 Easy Steps to Streamline Your Job Search

Looking for a job can be tough. It can be so difficult that many people approach it like a job in itself! Touching up your CV, polishing it each time you send out an application, and scouring job sites for vacancies can seriously take a toll on your mental health, especially when you hardly hear anything back. Regardless, getting your dream job will always be worth it, but it does require a balance of hard work and luck.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

Looking for a job can be tough. It can be so difficult that many people approach it like a job in itself! Touching up your CV, polishing it each time you send out an application, and scouring job sites for vacancies can seriously take a toll on your mental health, especially when you hardly hear anything back. Regardless, getting your dream job will always be worth it, but it does require a balance of hard work and luck.

Some people find great jobs within a few days of searching, and others take months. That isn’t necessarily reflective of your value; it often depends on what’s available. Fortunately, we have six easy steps that will help you land the job you want. Here’s what you need to know:

Step 1: Prepare

The success of your job search depends on how well you prepare. The more tailored your application is to the job role, the more likely you’ll get a callback, so reflect on the kind of job you’re looking for and what your goals are. If you’re looking to progress in your career and get some training, think of the companies who would offer that and those you’d rather avoid. That way, each application you send out will be with a purpose. It also ensures that you get a job offer instead of indiscriminately firing off dozens of applications that have a slight chance of succeeding.

Step 2: Fix Up Your CV and Cover Letter

Once you’re firm on where you’d like to go with your career, start fixing up your CV and cover letter. Your CV must closely match the role you want and be formatted to impress human recruiters and applicant tracking systems. Create a master CV that’s comprehensive and up-to-date, then create separate copies and tweak them according to each application.

The same goes for your cover letter. Spotlight your skills, experience, and goals that make you a perfect fit for the role, and be sure to mention the achievements that help you stand out from other candidates. Do not simply repeat what you’ve stated in your CV.

Step 3: Update Your LinkedIn

Many recruiters look up your LinkedIn, which is why it’s crucial to update it and ensure it matches your CV. It’s also best to do a sweep of your digital footprint on social media networks to ensure that whatever a potential employer may find won’t affect your chances of getting hired.

Step 4: Look For References

Your references are a vital part of your job search, as they can vouch for you and talk about your skills and accomplishments. However, before including them in your application, be sure to contact them and confirm that they’ll be willing to provide a reference.

Step 5: Conduct Your Search

When you apply for jobs, make sure that you meet most of the role requirements before sending your application. Recruiters field hundreds of applications, so you’ll save everyone’s time by applying to roles that you are strongly qualified for.

You can apply for jobs in various areas. You can attend career events, build your network at job fairs, work with recruitment agencies, or ask your friends, former colleagues, and social media contacts to connect you. Stay active on LinkedIn as well, since many recruiters trawl through the page to look for candidates like you.

Step 6: Get Your Offer
Now that you’re sending out applications, you’re getting closer to your dream job. When you get an email back to schedule an interview, you’ll have to prepare beforehand to ensure your chances of securing the role.

Dress according to the company’s dress code. However, if you’re applying for a role at a casual office, it’s important to dial up the formality a bit to show your sincerity about the opportunity. Practice your answers to questions you’ll think they ask about you and know your CV like the back of your hand. Prepare a list of questions to ask the company as well, as the interview also involves you making sure they’re a good fit for you!

If you get an offer, be sure to research the salary offered in similar roles at other companies. Be straightforward on what you will and won’t accept. It’s essential to be realistic about your salary expectations, but you should always know your worth, too.


The job hunt can be excruciating. Still, by leveraging your network and following these six steps, you’ll simplify your job search and land the dream job you’ve always wanted.

If you’re looking for more career advice, be sure to check back at The UK Careers Fair! We are the ultimate networking platform for candidates and employers in the UK, with careers fairs in places such as Cardiff, Brighton, Northern Ireland, and many more. Find a job with us today!

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