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5 min read

5 Steps to Acing That Career Fair and Landing an Offer

Career fairs are the hunting grounds for hundreds of job seeking individuals. It may seem like a tough race, but it’s a great place to apply for jobs and get faster movement. If you’re wondering about how you can stand out from the pack and maximize your career fair trip, keep these five tips in mind.
Written by
The UK Careers Fair
Editorial Team
Published on
September 27, 2022

Career fairs are the hunting grounds for hundreds of job seeking individuals. It may seem like a tough race, but it’s a great place to apply for jobs and get faster movement. If you’re wondering about how you can stand out from the pack and maximize your career fair trip, keep these five tips in mind.

Know Who’s Going to Attend

Do your research on the event and see which companies or recruiters will be in attendance. This can help you narrow down which ones are relevant to your goals and skills. It will also give you the information you need to ask more questions—for that competitive edge.

Many recruiters like to see engaged individuals that actually know what they want and aren’t just randomly casting a line out to see who bites. Being able to answer with confidence is a good way to draw employers in.

Dress Light But Professional

You’ll want to be comfortable so that you aren’t fussing about the whole time. This gives you time to focus on your goals and be more confident. That said, it’s important to keep your look professional, so you still look hirable.

Bring a small bag that contains your resumes, portfolio, business and rate cards, a notebook, and a pen. Don’t bring an overly large bag that will just encumber you. It will tire you out faster and make it harder to meet with recruiters with ease.

Work The Room

Don’t hesitate to make the rounds. Start with your preferred jobs and companies, and go to other options if there’s still time left. It may be easier said than done but approach with friendliness and confidence. Be ready to answer questions, and don’t be afraid to initiate with your own perspective. This is where you start to build a network.

First impressions work wonders, so this is the point where you want to come off as reliable, amenable, and assured. Even the way you end your conversation will count, so wrap up with thanks and an intent to continue with further talks (even if you’re still scanning options).

Be Proactive

Don’t wait around or beat around the bush. Be ready with your resume and any relevant documents even before you start your conversation. It’s a great way to immediately showcase your experience while talking about what you can bring.

If specific companies have extra instructions, they have posted for the event, get on it as soon as you can. The best thing to do at these events is to keep the ball rolling and stand out.

Don’t Shy Away From Following Up

Too many people feel too shy to follow up. This is because they don’t want to come off demanding, entitled, or desperate. However, it’s actually a good measure to go for a simple follow-up message a couple of days after the fair.

In this message, you can give your thanks and mention how you look forward to hearing back. It puts your name top of mind and can bring recall to your career fair interactions. Tailor each message per company for that elevated touch.

Final Thoughts

Career fairs are a great place to build your network and kickstart your growth. Any career journey will rely on action from you, so this is a great place to start. Whatever outcome you get, you can learn and get more opportunities simply from following these tips.

We can give you access to various careers fairs, advice, and employment opportunities with the UK Careers Fair. As the leading provider of recruitment events in the UK, you’ll be sure to find a spot that fits you. Check out our services now and kick off your career journey.

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