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3 Questions That You Could Ask In An Interview

‍Once you get your interview date, you will probably be busy preparing for it and anticipating what you may be asked by the interviewing panel. However, very often at the conclusion of an interview, they may ask you if you have any questions for them!
Written by
Joanna Clare
Content Manager
Published on
August 8, 2023

Once you get your interview date, you will probably be busy preparing for it and anticipating what you may be asked by the interviewing panel. However, very often at the conclusion of an interview, they may ask you if you have any questions for them! The one question that springs to mind is a commonly used one which is ‘would there be opportunities to progress in the company?’. While this is a perfectly acceptable question, there are several more questions that you could be asking that will make your interviewer realise that you are genuinely interested in the company and will make a positive impression upon them at the same time.

Job interviews are not only an opportunity for employers to evaluate a potential candidate but are also a chance for you to assess the role within the company. Asking insightful questions demonstrates your enthusiasm and your interest in the job for which you are applying. Asking questions provides an opportunity to clarify any issues you may have and allows you to gain deeper insight into the company culture and expectations. This will help you decide whether or not to accept the job if it is offered to you and that it aligns with your professional goals and values. Interviews are a two way process and by asking questions, you are taking a proactive role in the interview process.

So, three questions that you could choose to ask your interviewer could be any of the following.

  1. What training and development opportunities are available to employees? This will show the interviewer that you are motivated towards continuous improvement and professional growth and the question then allows them to elaborate on what learning may be available to you and what you may be interested in achieving.
  2. Could you tell me about the team I would be working with? This will show the interviewer that you are anticipating joining a new team of colleagues. The interviewer should describe how large or small the current team is and their different roles and responsibilities. This will allow you to ascertain where your role will be amongst them and give you some basic insight on the team.
  3. How does the company support employee mental health and wellbeing? This will show the interviewer that you take all wellbeing - mental or otherwise - very seriously and that employee welfare is of paramount importance. It will prove that not only are you concerned for the welfare of others but also that you have awareness of the importance of feeling valued and cared for within your working environment, with problems being identified and dealt with as they arise by professionals who are trained in wellbeing.
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